Ethics & Policy Statements

”The European Commission is aware of the problems related to involuntary infertility as a serious medical condition having serious negative consequences on the wellbeing of the couples concerned. Reproductive techniques such as in vitro fertilisation (IVF) play an important role in remedying involuntary infertility.”

„The European Parliament notes that infertility is a medical condition recognised by World Health Organization that can have severe effects such as depression; points out that infertility is on the increase and now occurs in about 15% of couples; calls on the Member States, therefore, to ensure the right of couples to universal access to infertility treatment.”

Fact sheet of World Health Organization (2020)

On 14 September 2020 the WHO published a fact sheet about infertility summarising the main information and issues.



Ethics Statements on medically assisted reproduction
Policy statements on prevention and access to treatments

(amended paper from 2016 approved by Fertility Europe’s members at the Annual General Meeting in Vienna 2019)