Fertility Europe was founded in 2008-2009 by the following six organisations:

De Verdwaalde Ooievaar Network Fertiliteit, Belgium
FIAPI, Italy
Freya, The Netherlands
Občianske združenie Bocian, Slovakia
Verein Kinderwunsch, Switzerland
Infertility Network UK, UK

All these organisations expressed their wish to be an effective member of the newly established democratic association and filled out the questionnaire with detailed information about fertility issues, statistics and about regulation of fertility/infertility treatment in their country and reimbursement system.

It is the utmost wish and intent of Fertility Europe to be an independent, relevant and transparent association, dedicated to the needs and rights of those having difficulty conceiving and active in the field of prevention and responsible approach to health. We dedicate our work to them according to the highest code of ethical conduct.

Foundation Committee

Geertrui De Cock Chair
Denisa Priadková Vice Chair
Clare Lewis-Jones Member
José van der Schoor-Knijnenburg Member
Conrad Engler Secretary

The Foundation Committee was in charge until the first official election of the Executive Committee of Fertility Europe had taken place at the First Council Meeting in June 2009 in Amsterdam.

The spring meeting took place in Vienna, Austria in 2010 where 10 new candidates applied for Fertility Europe membership. During the 2nd Council meeting in Rome in June 2010, the members of the Executive Committee and their roles were as follows:

Executive Committee (2009-2011)

Clare Lewis-Jones Chair
Denisa Priadková Vice Chair
Conrad Engler Treasurer
Annalisa Malfatti Secretary
José Knijnenburg Member

According to under Art. 9 and 13 of the Statutes, Appointment and discharge of the Members of the Executive Committee, Annalisa Malfatti resigned and Randi Ramnefjell who was the next person with most votes after the voting in Amsterdam was appointed.

During the 3rd Council meeting in Stockholm, Sweden in 2011, the members of the Executive Committee and their roles were as follows:

Executive Committee (2011-2012)

Clare Lewis-Jones Chair
Denisa Priadková Vice Chair
Conrad Engler Treasurer
José Knijnenburg Member
Randi Ramnefjell Secretary

During the 4th Council meeting in 2012 in Istanbul, Turkey new elections for Executive Committee took place.

Executive Committee (2012-2015)

Clare Lewis-Jones Chair
Denisa Priadková Vice Chair
Satu Rautakallio-Hokkanen Treasurer
Alina Beatris David Member
Elín Einarsdóttir Secretary

The 5th Council meeting took place in London, United Kingdom in 2013 and the 6th Council meeting was held in Munich, Germany in 2014.

During the 7th Council meeting in 2015 in Lisbon, Portugal new elections for Executive Committee took place. New positions of two Deputy Members were implemented.

Executive Committee (2015- 2016)

Elín Einarsdóttir Chair
Nicoleta Cristea-Brunel Vice Chair
Afroditi Alexopoulou Treasurer
Denisa Priadková Secretary
Isabelle Chandler Member
Ofra Balaban Deputy

On 17.03.2016, during the spring meeting in Sofia, Denisa Priadková was revoked from the Executive Committee under article 13.2 of the Statutes, and Ofra Balaban stepped in.

During the 8th Council meeting in Helsinki members voted on Elections of two Deputy Executive Committee members. Satu Rautakallio-Hokkanen and Klaudija Kordic got the majority of the votes. Later, in September 2016, the Vice Chair Nicoleta Cristea-Brunel resigned, Klaudija Kordic declined to step in, and so Satu Rautakallio-Hokkanen stepped in the Executive Committee. Irina Popova was 3rd during the voting for Deputies, so she became one. Isabelle Chandler resigned in November 2016 so Klaudija Kordic stepped in. Elín Einarsdóttir stepped down as the Chair in November 2016 and started as the Vice-chair. Satu Rautakallio-Hokkanen was elected as the new Chair.

New Office Manager Anita Fincham started at the beginning of 2017. A supplemental election was performed in Geneva in July 2017 to have a second Deputy and Iwona Komenda was elected. The members of the Executive Committee and their roles after summer 2017 were as follows:

Executive Committee (2016 – 2018)

Satu Rautakallio-Hokkanen Chair
Elín Einarsdóttir Vice Chair
Afroditi Alexopoulou Treasurer
Klaudija Kordic Secretary
Ofra Balaban Member
Irina Popova Deputy
Iwona Komenda Deputy

Executive Committee (2018 – 2021 and 2022, prolonged due to the Covid-19 pandemic)

Satu Rautakallio-Hokkanen Chair
Klaudija Kordic Vice Chair
Afroditi Alexopoulou Treasurer
Irina Popova Secretary
Karianne Bye Member
Ofra Balaban Deputy
Iwona Komenda Deputy until 03/2022
Patrizia Ricciardone Deputy from 03/2022 to 07/2022

Executive Committee (2022 – 2025)

Klaudija Kordic Chair
Irina Popova Vice Chair
Afroditi Alexopoulou Treasurer
Maciej Śmiechowski Secretary
Sandrine Dumont Member until 06/2023
Karianne Bye Deputy until 06/2023 and then Member
Ofra Balaban Deputy
Christina Fadler Deputy from 10/2023

Last update: May 2024