AI is not the next big thing for patients. It IS the big thing – notes from the European Patients’ Forum (EPF) AGM
Notes from EPF AGM and AI in healthcare workshop
Notes from EPF AGM and AI in healthcare workshop
Annual members Spring Meeting as a perfect blend of laughter and learning, as we exchanged ideas, shared experiences, and built lasting relationships
Prolonged yet unsuccessful attempts to conceive or even undergoing long-awaited and much-desired fertility treatment are closely associated with emotional distress, anxiety or depression. Infertility affects more than 25 million EU citizens alone. Every sixth person of reproductive age experiences the condition. We all know someone who struggles with it but we may not know the real weight of infertility burden. It is therefore crucial to see infertility as a comorbidity to mental health issues and acknowledge the need for psychological support services across Europe for all individuals facing infertility and struggling with emotional burdens and distress. Thanks to our honourable hosts and amazing speakers we managed to achieve exactly that.
Mental health and psychosocial support are important when trying to conceive.
Annual European Fertility Week raises awareness of various aspects of infertility and its implications focusing this year on mental health challenges associated to infertility
Invitation to the European Parliament event to discuss emotional burden and distress of infertility and the need for psychological support