European Fertility Week 2020, 2-8 November

Can you access fertility treatments when you need them? Today, across Europe, more than 25 million citizens are affected by infertility.  Infertility can be defined as the failure to achieve a pregnancy after 12 months or more of regular unprotected sexual intercourse.  Infertility is much […]

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World Health Organisation’s (WHO) work on infertility

FE new representative to Infertility GDG Klaudija Kordic, Vice-Chair of Fertility Europe and RODA, Croatia representative became our new WHO Infertility Guideline Development Group representative. Anna Krawczak (Nasz Bocian, Poland) was working and doing great job with the group since 2016 and now decided to pass […]

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Great results of European Fertility Week 2019!

Our European Fertility Week 2019 was about fertility education, so we are proud of these great results of our European Fertility Week campaign: 17 countries participated! over 2.500.000 impressions on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram! #TalkFertility over 800.000 hashtag impressions of Twitter! over 200.000 views of […]

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