2-8 November 2020

Today, across Europe, more than 25 million citizens are affected by infertility. Among those, many are still struggling to get access to the appropriate information, diagnosis and treatments.
This regrettable situation is mainly due to constraints at national level that fall outside the medical scope of protecting the safety of patients, children or donors. Inequitable access to fertility treatments is rather a consequence of cultural, ideological or economic restrictions, many of which have been studied over the recent years.
Against this background, Fertility Europe has been calling for a couple of years on European policymakers to ensure equal, fair and safe access to fertility treatments. Progress has been slow, however, in removing existing barriers.
For this reason, this year’s European Fertility Week, organised on 2-8 November, aims to shed light on seven issues that must be addressed urgently to allow equitable access to fertility treatments across Europe.
Is your country supporting everyone’s right to try to have a child?
Join us in calling for equal, fair and safe access to fertility treatments for all Europeans!