Honorary lifetime members

Fertility Europe awards Honorary membership to individuals whose work or service has been particularly significant. Honorary memberships are decided by the Executive Committee of Fertility Europe.

As the representative of Infertility Network UK and More to life associations, Clare has been one of the founding members and driving force of Fertility Europe in 2009. Clare served as Fertility Europe’s first Chair for six years (2009-2015) bringing with her a wealth of experience in organisational work. With her long expertise of nearly 30 years in the field of infertility, Clare led the association to rapid growth and put all her knowledge and skills for the benefit of our association.

Clare Lewis-Jones was awarded MBE (Member of the Order of the British Empire) for services to health in 2009. She stepped down as the Chair of Fertility Europe in 2015 and is now enjoying a well-earned retirement but is still following Fertility Europe as
our long time friend and colleague.

Clare was nominated as the first Fertility Europe Honorary life-time member in 2016.