Our Annual Theme

Why Annual Theme?

For the first time in 2023, we embarked on an exciting new journey by planning our annual activities and projects around a single, preselected topic. This is the essence of our annual theme initiative. Our goal is to explore this subject in exhaustive detail, diving into every facet and uncovering its many layers.

Focusing our efforts on a single theme each year ensures a greater depth of understanding and a more significant impact. Join us as we journey through this year’s theme, unlocking knowledge and driving meaningful change together.

Gamet Donation – annual theme 2024

This year, we will explore the expanding landscape of gamete donation treatments and the critical importance of proper regulations in this matter. Our commitment to this theme will be reflected in various events throughout the year.

– ESHRE Congress in Amsterdam: Join us for a dedicated patient session where we will walk you through the meanders of gamete donation from various perspectives.

– European Fertility Week (EFW): our annual campaign focused on raising awareness and educating this year will be dedicated to gamete donation.

Our survey on gamete donation

In preparation for this year’s European Fertility Week (EFW), we have created a survey on gamete donation. It aims to gather data to help understand patients’ preferences, views and concerns around gamete donation. We hope this insight will not only provide valuable content that we will present during the EFW2024 but will also in a longer perspective allow for shaping a good legal framework around gamete donation treatments.

Taking all the above into account, we encourage all who have experienced infertility to take part in our survey by clicking the photo above.