You may not be interested in politics, but politics is certainly interested in you – and here’s the proof.
We invite you to read a compelling and eye-opening article by our ExCo member, Maciej Smiechowski, and Marta Górna, Chair of our Polish member association, Stowarzyszenie na Rzecz Leczenia Niepłodności i Wspierania Adopcji “Nasz Bocian”, recently published by Progress Educational Trust (PET).
Their piece delves into the legal oddity of embryos’ fate in Poland, highlighting a situation that raises serious ethical and legal concerns.
Compulsory donation of embryos – what an oxymoron! Can we even call it a “donation” if it’s forced? Stripping individuals of the right to decide over something as personal as their own genetic material, coerced into surrendering embryos created with their own gametes. This is not generosity which we usually associate with donations of all kinds. This is hijacking – a blatant deprivation of autonomy and the fundamental right to make an informed and independent decision.
The reality described in the article is not just an abstract issue – it is a stark reminder of how policies shape personal freedoms and access to reproductive healthcare.
We strongly encourage you to read this article and reflect on its implications. Imagine for a moment if this legal monstrosity affected you or someone you love. Would you stand by?