Dear Fertility Europe Members,
We invite your association to the Fertility Europe Annual General Meeting on Monday the 4th of July 2022, 9.00-17.00 in MiCo – Milano Convention Centre, Piazzale Carlo Magno 1, 20149 Milano, Italy.
The Agenda of the Annual General Meeting is here.
PROXY for the Members who cannot join AGM here.
The AGM is concurrent with ESHRE Congress and you can find the programme of the congress and more practical information about it here.
Please, send us to office@fertilityeurope.eu 1st of June 2022 latest:
– the name/s of the participant/s from your association,
– their e-mail addresses and phone numbers
– information who will be your official representative and voting for your association at AGM
– who will be participating in FE dinner 5th July and if you have any dietary restrictions
Further details about Fertility Europe’s activities in Milan will follow.
If you have any questions, please contact Office Manager Anita Fincham (office@fertilityeurope.eu).
On behalf of the Fertility Europe Executive Committee,
Satu Rautakallio-Hokkanen