Changing Fertility Care for Generations to Come can take variety of forms. Our new partners, CooperSurgical embarked on a interesting employee education and fundraising initiative. They decided to use art to encourage their employees to think about the infertility patients’ experience and struggles to create artistic impression of the subject. Th eemplyees expressed their ideas and feelings it many artistic forms – painting, drawing, sculpting and entered them into company charity auction. CooperSurgical donated whole income from the auction to Fertility Europe to support our work for improving standards and access to care in Europe.

Both CooperSurgical and ourselves were amazed by how popular the idea was among the employees and how much money they raised in the auction!
“Thank you, CooperSurgical and all participating employees in creating art for this charity event and for buying art at this auction.
We are very happy to see that companies involved with fertility and infertility are working on raising awareness and are actively showing support for people who need medical assistance in order to conceive.
We are delighted to be involved in interesting and creative ways to educate and to spread the word about (in)fertility issues.” – Klaudija Kordic, Chair of Fertility Europe Executive Committee.
You can read more about the event and see more pictures of the works created for the auctions here.