World Health Organisation’s (WHO) work on infertility

FE new representative to Infertility GDG Klaudija Kordic, Vice-Chair of Fertility Europe and RODA, Croatia representative became our new WHO Infertility Guideline Development Group representative. Anna Krawczak (Nasz Bocian, Poland) was working and doing great job with the group since 2016 and now decided to pass […]

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ESHRE fun run 2020 – race at home, donate online!

The charity fun run during the annual ESHRE Congress is a fabulous event! Every year ESHRE members take their time off scientific matters of the Congress to run a 5 kilometers race in support of patients’ association – Fertility Europe! In support of us – the infertility […]

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Find support from your national associations!

Are you infertility patient? Are you struggling with finding support when your treatment had to be stopped because of COVID-19 pandemic? Fertility Europe is an umbrella organisation of infertility patients’ associations and nearly all of us working and volunteering for those associations have our own […]

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Spring Meeting 2020 cancelled

Due to the serious situation with the COVID-19, the Fertility Europe Executive Committee has decided to cancel the Spring Meeting this year.  Yet we are very happy that our wonderful Spanish host, RED infertiles, has agreed to invite us to Madrid in March 2021 and […]

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