Annual European Fertility Week raises awareness of various aspects of infertility and its implications focusing this year on mental health challenges associated to infertility
Annual European Fertility Week raises awareness of various aspects of infertility and its implications focusing this year on mental health challenges associated to infertility
Infertility is often experienced as emotionally challenging and demanding by women and men and may take a toll on the couple’s adjustment. Albeit this recognition, psychological support is still scarce around the world, with most patients reporting high levels of suffering during the infertility journey. […]
European citizens affected by infertility need your support in developing regulations that ensure easy, publicly funded, and timely access to evidence-based psychosocial care at any stage of their infertility journey. Background Infertility, defined as the inability to achieve a pregnancy after 12 months of regular […]
Invitation to the European Parliament event to discuss emotional burden and distress of infertility and the need for psychological support
Fill the patients’ survey about psychological treatment around fertility treatment!
During ESHRE congress Fertility Europe held AGM and members meetings and presented patients’ perspective.