The launch event is co-hosted by Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) Frances Fitzgerald (EPP, Ireland) and Robert Biedroń (S&D, Poland) and will take place at the European Parliament on 6 June from 11.30 – 13.00. The event, which is open to MEPs, accredited parliamentary assistants, patients’ organisations and civil society, aims to highlight the need to raise awareness about the challenges of the (in)fertility journey, both emotionally and physically, that couples and individuals face. The discussion will also explore ways to achieve equal, safe and efficient access to fertility treatments in Europe.
● Satu Rautakallio-Hokkanen, General Director, Fertility Europe
● Anita Fincham, Advocacy Manager, Fertility Europe
● Carlos Calhaz-Jorge, Chair, European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology
● Neil Datta, Executive Director, European Parliamentary Forum for Sexual & Reproductive Rights
● Bojana Santic, Patient representative, Roda – Parents in Action, Croatia
● Anca Toma, Executive Director, European Patient’s Forum
● Raising awareness of the complexities associated with the (in)fertility journey;
● Ensuring the rights of those affected;
● Promoting education and action for the protection of reproductive health;
● Examining the spectrum of fertility policies and frameworks within Europe, and policy recommendations for EU and national policymakers.
After the speakers share insights from their personal perspectives, the floor will be open to all participants for a Q&A session.
If the link above doesn’t work please copy and paste the following address in your browser: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-imperative-of-equal-access-to-fertility-treatments-across-europe-tickets-634083479757
We look forward to seeing you there!