What people really know about male infertility

Epidemiology of male infertility. Infertility is largely and unfairly thought to affect women. It is the woman that gets pregnant, or not in some cases, and it is the woman who often undergoes many of the infertility-related treatments. When a couple embarks on the in […]

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European Fertility Week 2020

2-8 November 2020  Today, across Europe, more than 25 million citizens are affected by infertility. Among those, many are still struggling to get access to the appropriate information, diagnosis and treatments.  This regrettable situation is mainly due to constraints at national level that fall outside […]

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FE Executive Committee at the European Parliament

This week the Executive Committee of Fertility Europe was in Brussels in order to speak to several MEPs about infertility and inequalities in access to infertility treatment across Europe. Many interesting conversation on equality of access to healthcare and the MEPs decided to support FE’s […]

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