Spring Meeting in Madrid at last!
On 24-25 March 2023, Fertility Europe held its annual Spring Meeting in Mdrid, Spain.
On 24-25 March 2023, Fertility Europe held its annual Spring Meeting in Mdrid, Spain.
Company supports Fertility Europe and infertility patients by educating t of infertility patients.heir employees about struggles and emotions
EUROPEAN FERTILITY WEEK 2022, 7-13 November The (in)fertility journey is different for everyone – it can be like a short hike in the park or a triathlon across the ocean. It is just as much a physical challenge as a mental one. Couples and individuals with […]
Articles on the controvercial Polish workbook: https://www.euronews.com/2022/08/17/new-polish-school-textbook-provokes-anger-over-section-on-fertility?fbclid=IwAR0zNGyiuwOVUcZ798ZrsO3jeIc3PAAY5xlP0vHXww9NpHvJyueO9LgcmEA https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/passage-on-fertility-to-be-removed-from-polish-textbook/2022/08/23/17098f88-22bb-11ed-a72f-1e7149072fbc_story.html?fbclid=IwAR2zeEbV-SAnA2yhFtFYsN4gEvpRBPu452W3FQKuHe19WUYL-87c1evd-x8
Earlier this month we were attending ESHRE Congress in Milan. This year Congress was organised as a hybrid event with 9,857 registered participants for the main programme from 128 different countries (83% in-person + 17% virtual) For us it was the first opportunity in 3 […]
We are really looking forward to perticipating in the ESHRE Congress next week. This year Fertility Europe will contribute the patients’ perspective in the areas of fertility education, patients’ experience of infertility and the views on the policies in Europe. Please, visit our sessions – […]